home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <intuition/simplereq.h>
- /****************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* SimpleRequest(Banner, Gadgets, Window) */
- /* */
- /* Banner == string of any length, saying something. */
- /* Gadgets == a string like "Yes|No", using the vertical */
- /* bar to separate gadgets (any number). */
- /* Window == the window (and, essentially, screen) to put */
- /* the requester in (since it's just a window) */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Created by Steve Tibbett, 10-March-1989 */
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Note: It's a first draft. It's a bit messy, it can be fixed */
- /****************************************************************/
- static struct NewWindow NW;
- static struct TextFont *TF;
- static struct Window *ReqWindow; /* The requester's window */
- static struct Remember *GadRemember = 0; /* Intuition Remember struct */
- static struct TextFont *RPFont; /* It's font */
- static struct RastPort *RP; /* Our rastport */
- SimpleRequest(Banner, GadgetString, Window, Flags)
- char *Banner;
- char *GadgetString;
- struct Window *Window;
- short Flags;
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *Message; /* For talking to requester */
- struct Gadget *IAddress; /* To check which gadget was hit */
- struct Screen *Screen; /* Screen to appear on */
- char buf[255], buf2[255]; /* Buffers... for banner and gads */
- char *TextLines[10], *GadLines[10]; /* Pointers into the buffers */
- short x; /* Temporary */
- short NumLines = 0, NumGads = 0; /* Number of text lines & gads */
- short LongestLine = 0; /* Longest text line */
- char LongestLineNum = 0; /* It's number */
- short LongestGad = 0; /* Longest gadget text */
- short WindowWidth; /* Width of the requester window */
- short WindowHeight; /* Height of the requester window */
- char YSize; /* Y size of the source RP's font */
- char TopTextY; /* Where the top line of text will appear */
- short temp; /* Temporary */
- short LongestGadLen = 0; /* Longest gadget's IntuiTextLength() */
- char GadgetMode; /* 0 == horizontal, 1 == vertical */
- short ActualGadWidth; /* Width of ALL gadgets (they're all alike) */
- short GadsYStart; /* Where the gads start on Y */
- GadgetMode = 0; /* GadgetMode: 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical */
- /* Get the font of the Window that called us */
- RPFont = Window->RPort->Font;
- /* Get the Y Size of that font */
- YSize = RPFont->tf_YSize;
- /* Save a pointer to it's TextFont structure for later */
- TF = RPFont;
- /* First we'll figure how many text lines, and get pointers to each line */
- strcpy(buf, Banner);
- TextLines[NumLines++] = buf;
- TextLines[NumLines] = 0;
- temp = strlen(buf);
- for (x=0; x<temp; x++)
- {
- if (buf[x] == '|') /* Parse out the '|' */
- {
- TextLines[NumLines++] = &buf[x+1];
- TextLines[NumLines] = 0;
- buf[x] = 0;
- };
- };
- /* Next find the longest line */
- for (x=0; x<NumLines; x++)
- {
- char l;
- l = strlen(TextLines[x]);
- if (l > LongestLine)
- {
- LongestLineNum = x;
- LongestLine = l;
- };
- };
- /* Okay, now figure the minimum window width and height */
- WindowWidth = 40 + TextLen(TextLines[LongestLineNum]); /* 20 pixels border on each side */
- WindowHeight = (NumLines * (YSize+2)) + 15 + YSize; /* 3 for the title bar... YSize for the Title Bar. */
- if (Flags & SR_NODRAG) WindowHeight -= (YSize+3);
- if (Flags & SR_NODRAG)
- TopTextY = YSize+3;
- else TopTextY = YSize+3+YSize+1;
- /** Do the same thing for the gadget line! **/
- strcpy(buf2, GadgetString);
- GadLines[NumGads++] = buf2;
- GadLines[NumGads] = 0;
- temp = strlen(buf2);
- for (x=0; x<temp; x++)
- {
- if (buf2[x] == '|')
- {
- GadLines[NumGads++] = &buf2[x+1];
- GadLines[NumGads] = 0;
- buf2[x] = 0;
- };
- };
- /* Next find the longest line */
- for (x=0; x<NumGads; x++)
- {
- short l;
- l = strlen(GadLines[x]);
- if (l > LongestGad)
- {
- LongestGad = l;
- };
- l = TextLen(GadLines[x]);
- if (l > LongestGadLen) LongestGadLen = l;
- };
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Figure the window width and height */
- temp = LongestGadLen + TextLen(" ") + 13; /* 10 offset per gadget */
- temp = temp * NumGads;
- temp += 48;
- if (temp > WindowWidth) WindowWidth = temp;
- WindowHeight = WindowHeight + 3 + (2*YSize);
- /* Go about opening the window */
- Screen = Window->WScreen;
- GadsYStart = WindowHeight-(YSize+12);
- if (WindowWidth > Screen->Width)
- {
- GadgetMode = 1;
- WindowHeight = WindowHeight + ((8+YSize)*(NumGads-1));
- WindowWidth = 40 + TextLen(TextLines[LongestLineNum]); /* 20 pixels border on each side */
- temp = LongestGadLen + TextLen(" ") + 61;
- if (temp > WindowWidth) WindowWidth = temp;
- };
- if (Flags & SR_NOCENTERWINDOW) {
- NW.LeftEdge = 0;
- NW.TopEdge = 0;
- } else {
- NW.LeftEdge = (Screen->Width/2) - (WindowWidth/2);
- NW.TopEdge = (Screen->Height/2) - (WindowHeight/2);
- };
- NW.Width = WindowWidth;
- NW.Height = WindowHeight;
- NW.DetailPen = 0;
- NW.BlockPen = 1;
- if (Flags & SR_NODRAG) {
- if (Flags & SR_NODRAG)
- NW.Title = 0;
- else NW.Title = Window->Title;
- if (Screen->Flags & CUSTOMSCREEN) {
- NW.Screen = Screen;
- } else NW.Type = WBENCHSCREEN;
- /** Open the window **/
- ReqWindow = OpenWindow(&NW);
- if (ReqWindow == 0) return(FALSE);
- RP = ReqWindow->RPort;
- /** Do the background **/
- SetDrMd(RP, JAM2);
- SetAPen(RP, 1);
- if (Flags & SR_NODRAG)
- RectFill(ReqWindow->RPort, 4, 2, WindowWidth-5, WindowHeight-3);
- else RectFill(ReqWindow->RPort, 4, YSize+3, WindowWidth-5, WindowHeight-3);
- /** Put the text up **/
- SetAPen(RP, 0);
- SetBPen(RP, 1);
- for (x=0; x<NumLines; x++)
- {
- if (Flags & SR_NOCENTERTEXT)
- Move(ReqWindow->RPort, 16, TopTextY + (x*(YSize+1)));
- else Move(ReqWindow->RPort, (WindowWidth/2) - (TextLen(TextLines[x])/2), TopTextY + (x*(YSize+1)));
- Text(ReqWindow->RPort, TextLines[x], strlen(TextLines[x]));
- };
- /** The text is up, now add the gadgets **/
- ActualGadWidth = LongestGadLen + TextLen(" ");
- if (GadgetMode == 0)
- {
- for (x=0; x<NumGads; x++)
- {
- short GadCenter, GadWidth;
- GadWidth = WindowWidth/NumGads;
- GadCenter = (GadWidth * x) + (GadWidth/2);
- CreateGadget(GadCenter-(ActualGadWidth/2)-2, GadsYStart,
- ActualGadWidth, YSize+3, x, RELVERIFY, GadLines[x]);
- };
- } else
- {
- short GadX;
- GadX = WindowWidth/2 - (ActualGadWidth/2) - 2;
- for (x=0; x<NumGads; x++)
- {
- CreateGadget(GadX, GadsYStart + ((YSize+8)*x),
- ActualGadWidth, YSize+3, x, RELVERIFY, GadLines[x]);
- };
- };
- /** Okay, it's up, let's wait for something to happen. **/
- while (TRUE)
- {
- WaitPort(ReqWindow->UserPort);
- Message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(ReqWindow->UserPort);
- if (Message->Class == GADGETUP)
- {
- IAddress = (struct Gadget *)Message->IAddress;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)Message);
- CloseWindow(ReqWindow);
- FreeRemember(&GadRemember, TRUE);
- return(IAddress->GadgetID);
- };
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)Message);
- };
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- /* CreateGadget. Does just that, with your Remember struct. */
- /*******************************************************************/
- CreateGadget(GadX, GadY, SizeX, SizeY, GadgetID, Flags, text)
- long GadX, GadY, SizeX, SizeY, GadgetID, Flags;
- char *text;
- {
- struct Gadget *Gadget;
- short x,y,center;
- Gadget = (struct Gadget *)AllocRemember((struct Remember **)&GadRemember, sizeof(struct Gadget), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (Gadget == 0) return(FALSE);
- /* Gadget Imagery. No text for now. */
- SetAPen(RP, 0);
- SetDrMd(RP, JAM2);
- RectFill(RP, GadX+5, GadY+3, GadX+4+SizeX, GadY+2+SizeY);
- SetAPen(RP, 3);
- RectFill(RP, GadX, GadY, GadX+SizeX, GadY+SizeY);
- SetAPen(RP, 0);
- RectFill(RP, GadX+2, GadY+1, GadX+SizeX-2, GadY+SizeY-1);
- Gadget->LeftEdge = GadX+2;
- Gadget->TopEdge = GadY+1;
- Gadget->Width = SizeX-3;
- Gadget->Height = SizeY-1;
- Gadget->Flags = GADGHCOMP;
- Gadget->Activation = Flags;
- Gadget->GadgetType = BOOLGADGET;
- Gadget->GadgetID = GadgetID;
- AddGadget(ReqWindow, Gadget, -1);
- y = GadY + 3 + RPFont->tf_Baseline;
- x = TextLen(text);
- center = GadX + (SizeX/2) - (x/2);
- SetAPen(RP, 1);
- SetBPen(RP, 0);
- Move(RP, center, y-1);
- Text(RP, text, strlen(text));
- }
- static struct IntuiText DummyIntuiText = { 0,0, JAM2, 0, 0, 0,0,0 };
- static struct TextAttr DummyTA;
- /**************************************************************/
- /* TextLen(text) - Give it a string, it returns the pixel len */
- /**************************************************************/
- TextLen(text)
- char *text;
- {
- /* set the dummy TextAttr to the TextFont's fields */
- DummyTA.ta_Name = TF->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name;
- DummyTA.ta_YSize = TF->tf_YSize;
- /* Set the dummy IntuiText to point to the dummy TextFont and String */
- DummyIntuiText.IText = text;
- DummyIntuiText.ITextFont = &DummyTA;
- /* And get the pixel length of the string */
- return(IntuiTextLength(&DummyIntuiText));
- }